Once a commercial footnote, walleye now being touted as Ohio’s state fish

Context isn’t much a requisite in a realm of limitless amusements, and western Lake Erie rates as the handiest Xanadu on Ohio’s pleasure-dome portfolio.

Pointedly, promoters who don’t employ enthusiasm generally aren’t employed long.

In a roomful of people important and people not so much, depending on the measurer, Larry Fletcher, president of the Lake Erie tourism marketer Shores & Island Ohio, pitched Tuesday for passage of a pending bill that would make walleye the state fish.

Walleye grow most famously in Lake Erie among Ohio’s waters, though perhaps that’s the point. The lake’s designation decades ago as the walleye capital of the world sustains one of the state’s enduring touristy advertising slogans.

More Ohio fishing news:Ready to fish this summer? Not without an Ohio fishing license. Here are the costs

Doing the ceremonial catching of Fletcher’s pitching were self-proclaimed big fans of the great lake, including Gov. Mike DeWine, Lt. Gov. John Husted, director of natural resources Mary Mertz and wildlife division chief Kendra Wecker.

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