Akron’s Nomadic Doc Takes a New Type of House Call: How CLE Works

Akron Children’s pediatric cardiologist Timotheus Watson takes to the Northeast Ohio roads to provide care for the region. By Ida Lieszkovszky. It’s a sunny Monday afternoon, and Dr. Timotheus Watson of Akron Children’s Hospital is getting ready to examine a baby born with a hole in her heart. Her foster parents are hoping for good news. “Thanks for fixing yourself,” he tells the baby as she coos up at him. He’s clearly enjoying delivering this bit of good news; the hole in her heart closed up on its own. Then it’s on to a toddler who passed out while sick and crying, a girl who fainted at the mall and then a newborn whose heart chambers developed in reverse. The pediatric cardiologist examines all of them with devotion. He listens to their heartbeats and gently measures their pulse on their bare feet, tickles them lightly and jokes with their parents.

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