This truly is the nightmare before Christmas.
And for a guy who makes his living scaring the bejabbers out of folks that’s saying a lot.
David Barton is in the midst of the monumental task of dismantling an unlucky 13 years worth of props and scenes from the Ghoul Brothers haunt that he operated out of space tucked on the side of the Acme plaza on Manchester Road in Coventry Township.
The nightmare began well before Halloween when he had the first inkling that his lease might not be renewed.
Barton said he went ahead and opened for the season so his 75 or so workers would have a job for the fall and hoped for the best.
But in some ways, he admits now that just compounded his problems because it shortened the window to figure out how to pack up and move his collection of oddities that has taken practically a lifetime to collect and assemble.
“It took 13 years to build this thing,” he said. “It is not going to be easy to remove in a day.”