Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department creating team to investigate carjackings

CLEVELAND (WJW) – The Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department has received a $1 million federal grant to create a team to investigate carjackings.

Cuyahoga County Sheriff Harold Pretel and his staff applied for the grant last year and just recently learned they have received it.

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Sheriff officials say Cuyahoga County has had hundreds of carjackings last year. The sheriff’s department will use the grant money to create a team to help investigate the crimes and arrest the suspects.

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“Carjackings are not specific to certain neighborhoods. It’s happening all throughout the county,” said chief deputy Aaron Reese. “It’s something we take seriously and we are going to do everything we can to reduce, if not eliminate it.” Reese added that Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne is “serious” about helping reduce violent crime throughout the county and is in favor of the new program…

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