Local employees recognized at NYSID award ceremony

ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – The New York State Industries for the Disabled (NYSID) has its annual meeting on Thursday evening and it recognizes employers who hire people with disabilities and their outstanding employees. NEWS10 caught up with the two local winners.

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This is NYSID’s 50th year celebrating those in the workplace with disabilities who are performing outstanding work, like Theodore Stefanik-Corah who has a degenerative disc disease.

“A lot of my disability is invisible so there’s a visual cognitive dissonance to it because a lot of people, like when I walk up to them and say I am disabled, a lot of peoples’ first thought isn’t like, ‘of course you are,’ because I’m very young and so it’s very, I think, strange for people to kind of be like I don’t understand how you’re disabled,” said Stefanik-Corah.

He had worked for Peak Performers, the Member Agency of the Year, under a one year contract but was recently hired in a permanent position with the NYS Department of Health as a division on-boarding coordinator.

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