ALBANY, N.Y. ( NEWS10 ) -Since three-years-old, Katelyn Harnisch has been watching ‘The Land Before Time’ on VHS. She decided to find her own Great Valley by traveling and taking notes on different places to live.
“So I got in my car, I packed all my gear, and I just went on a road trip across the country for a month. Eventually, I ended up in Albany.”
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Harnisch was camping near Schenectady before her journey came to an end but not because she found that fabled place. “Something was wrong and I could feel it. I have no recollection but apparently, I called 911 on myself and they brought me to Albany Med.”
Her heart stopped for eight minutes before she was revived. Multiple heart attacks, liver and kidney problems, and a Lupus flare-up left Harnisch in and out of consciousness for almost two months.
“My family all flew out here as soon as they possibly could and they brought Littlefoot because they know how much he means to me. He’s been by my side my entire life.” Littlefoot has been Katelyn’s best friend for 36 years.