Uber says NY docs performed medically unnecessary, invasive surgeries for fake injuries after staged car accidents

Uber is suing a group of doctors, lawyers, and medical clinics in New York. The rideshare company asserts the group staged fake car accidents and performed unnecessary surgeries to exploit New York’s no-fault insurance system.

The federal lawsuit, filed in Brooklyn, claims that since at least 2019, this group orchestrated minor collisions and exaggerated or fabricated injuries. In certain cases, the accidents were real, but the selected treatment was excessive. Some patients, Uber alleges, underwent invasive procedures like spinal fusions for conditions that either didn’t exist or were preexisting.

New York’s no-fault insurance laws allow quick reimbursement for medical costs after an accident. Rideshare drivers are required to carry much higher coverage (up to $200,000) than regular motorists ($50,000). Uber argues that this disparity made its drivers and passengers prime targets for fraudulent claims…

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