Nurses Middle College to close due to low enrollment

RENSSELAER, N.Y. (WRGB)— Nurses Middle College, a charter high school designed to prepare aspiring nurses, will close its doors at the end of the current school year following a board decision on Tuesday night. The school, located in the Capital Region, was established to address the nursing shortage by providing students with early exposure to the field.

Susan Birkhead, head of the board, said, “It was the right choice. It was a long time coming. This was our only choice.”

The decision leaves students like Nahnah Conyers, a 10th grader and one of the school’s founding students, searching for a new educational institution. Conyers expressed mixed feelings about her experience, noting, “Some of our pros and cons here, Miss Antiana and Miss Keen, they took us to some of the hospitals to do a tour there. And wanted to come here. One of the cons, we didn’t really have a lot of support in people that were actually committed to stay here.”…

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