New Mexico Restaurant Crowned One Of Yelp’s Top Places To Eat In 2024

On Tuesday, Yelp introduced its comprehensive list of the top 100 U.S. restaurants of 2024 .

The review website’s data science team conducted in-depth analyses of user reviews, and the final rankings were determined by expert Community Managers.

Included on the list is one New Mexico-based restaurant The St. James Tearoom in Albuquerque :

“Luxurious afternoon tea has been served for more than 20 years at The St. James Tearoom, founded by Mary Alice Higbie , a licensed tea consultant. With monthly menu themes like ‘A Christmas Carol,’ ‘Sherlock Holmes Mystery Teatime,’ and ‘La Vie en Rose,’ this shop offers a full English tea experience in a parlor setting. Customers delight in a variety of teas alongside curated sweets, savories, and breads, including traditional items like scones with clotted cream and cucumber sandwiches , plus playful items like Scotland Yard’s Saffron Bread (from January’s Sherlock Holmes-themed menu) and Rose Almond Scones (from February’s La Vie en Rose menu).”

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