Albuquerque Nightclub Knockouts Faces Serious Liquor Law Violations

The Alcoholic Beverage Control Division of the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department has filed charges against G-12 Entertainment, Inc., operating as Knockouts, a popular nightclub in Albuquerque, for multiple violations of the Liquor Control Act.

A String of Alleged Violations

The charges stem from incidents that occurred on December 18 and 19, 2023, at the club’s location at 311 Central Ave NW, Albuquerque. Knockouts now faces potential fines, suspension, or even revocation of its liquor license following the conclusion of administrative proceedings.

Details of the Charges

The nightclub is accused of several serious offenses, including allowing a minor on the licensed premises, selling or giving alcohol to a minor, two instances of selling alcohol to an intoxicated person, inadequate lighting on the premises, and obstructing the administrative process of the Liquor Control Act.

The Right to Due Process

As with all licensees charged with violations of the Liquor Control Act, Knockouts is afforded due process, including the opportunity to present its case at an administrative hearing. A hearing officer will preside over the matter, with a hearing tentatively set for January 25, 2024.

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