House Bill 171 addresses poor graduation rates

Albuquerque, NM (KKOB) – New Mexico’s graduation rate averages 76%, which is almost ten points lower than the national level. The Public Education Department, Albuquerque Public Schools, and several other districts support House Bill 171. Sponsored by State Representatives G. Andrés Romero and Ryan Lane, the proposal hopes to make the state’s graduation requirements more reflective of the real world. High schoolers would still need 24 credits to graduate, including four years of English, math, and social studies, and three years of science. However, Romero says it would be up to students to decide on how to earn those credits. In each of the subjects, students could choose at least a class that’s of interest to them. The new requirements would include a personal financial literacy class, along with a health class covering sexual abuse and assault.

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