Headphone Dance Party held at Tingley Beach

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – A local group decided to hold a dance party on the banks of the Rio Grande on Saturday to take advantage of the nice January weather. Headphone Dance Party hosted the silent-disco-style event near Tingley Beach.

Dancers of all ages gathered to let loose and enjoy the over-50-degree weather. Even as the wind kicked up, Brandon Kennedy, who founded Headphone Dance Party during the pandemic, says it’s become a great way to connect with the community.

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“I’ve had a lot of people come up to me very grateful that they have the opportunity to hang out, dance, be outside, make some new friends,” says Kennedy.

The group hosts dance parties in parks around town, raising money for local nonprofits. Donations at Saturday’s event went toward Indigenous Women Rising .

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