City of Albuquerque looks for new Medical Sobering Center provider

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The City of Albuquerque is looking for a new medical provider to run the city’s Medical Sobering Center.

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The city terminated its contract with Listo Health, saying their vision for the center no longer aligns with the provider. While officials search for a new operator, they say the finished space of the sobering center will be temporarily used as an overflow emergency winter shelter. “The Medical Sobering Center will offer a transformative and life-saving service for our community, and we can’t afford to get this wrong,” CABQ Associate Chief Administrative Officer Carla Martinez said in a release.

The sobering center is expected to begin services this summer. When it opens, it will be one of 60 in the United States and the only one in New Mexico…

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