Health Alert issued for Albuquerque due to strong winds, blowing dust

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The Albuquerque-Bernalillo County air quality program issued a health alert on Tuesday due to blowing dust. The health alert is effective from Tuesday, March 18 from 11:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. Bernalillo County residents with respiratory conditions are encouraged to limit outdoor activity.

Windy across New Mexico with precipitation to the north

Contractors and businesses that generate dust have also been issued to shut down immediately.

Also, due to high winds, Albuquerque’s Solid Waste Management Department is asking residents to help keep the community clean. Solid Waste will not pick up bins that have been knocked over by the wind. Drivers will not be able to complete their routes if the bins are not upright. They ask if you see your bin knocked over, to place it upright. They also ask if you see your neighbor’s bin knocked over place it upright as well.

People are also encouraged to report any downed limbs on roadways and public places by calling 311 or online…

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