New Mexico lawmakers push juvenile crime bill before session ends

SANTA FE, N.M. (KRQE) – As a high-profile murder puts the issue of juvenile crime back in the spotlight, lawmakers are scrambling to take action before the session ends. This, after one major juvenile crime proposal stalled in the roundhouse. A Democratic bill, HB 255 , is aiming to reform how juvenile crime is dealt with in the state. If it were to pass it would include additional penalties and resources to help youth get back on track.

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“This is an all hands on deck approach and not one bill will fix any of these issues, that’s why we have been focused on a package of different bills that include behavioral health, that include criminal reform,” said Speaker of the House Representative Javier Martinez (D-Albuquerque).

After three juveniles were accused of hitting and killing an Albuquerque man with a car, lawmakers are pushing a bill that would make updates to how juveniles are dealt with in New Mexico. A Democratic bill looks to make changes to the Juvenile Corrections Act…

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