Police commanders continue to menace officers

Chief Dave Morris and Captain William Silvers continue to menace and retaliate against subordinate officers who choose to do the right thing. According to documents provided by the Circut Court, the retaliation and situation only worsened for PFC Keene.

Captain Silvers spent months searching the internet for procedural violations of the Department’s social media policy and other minor infractions, waiting for an opportunity to strike back at PFC Keene for his actions the night a citizen approached PFC Keene about filing a complaint against former Chief Miller.

Silvers and Morris had built a case made of a house of cards, but that did not stop them. They had a window of opportunity to strike back, and they did just that according to internal documents from the Cheverly Police Department, Sources within the agency, and documents from the Circut Court of Maryland.

PFC Keene was already dealing with the retaliatory actions of Silvers and Morris from previous internal investigations and discriminatory acts because of his race and sexuality. It was the reason for all of the court filings and EEOC investigations in the first place.

Story continues