Located in Orefield, PA, Shankweiler’s Drive-In Theatre has held the distinction of being America’s oldest operating drive-in for most of its history-stretching back to well before the drive-in heyday. When Shankweiler’s opened its gates on April 15, 1934 it was the first drive-in in Pennsylvania and only the second drive-in built in America. Prominent hotel owner and businessman Wilson Shankweiler visited that earlier drive-in-built by Richard Hollingshead in Camden, New Jersey-and decided to bring the idea home to PA. Hollingshead’s invention didn’t last long, and by 1940 America’s first drive-in was already gone. Shankweiler’s, on the other hand, has managed to weather many a storm over the years (including an actual hurricane) to remain a treasure for local moviegoers well into the 21st century.