Buzz continues to surround Gov. Josh Shapiro as Kamala Harris decides on running mate

Pennsylvania is at the center of the political world right now.

Not only is it a key battleground state that could decide the election in November, there is also continued buzz about Governor Josh Shapiro joining the Democratic ticket as Kamala Harris’ running mate.

Shapiro was at a rally with the Philadelphia Building Trades on Friday to endorse Kamala Harris for president, but the potential for Shapiro to be on the ticket was the buzz.

When Shapiro was asked if he has submitted vetting materials, he directed that question to the campaign.

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On stage Friday he praised Harris’ policies and didn’t react when speakers touted him as a V.P. pick.

On Tuesday the Philadelphia Democratic Party voted to formally endorse not only Harris but Shapiro as her running mate.

The endorsement is a formality and a tip of the hat to the hometown governor.

“The road to the White House goes through Pennsylvania, and going through Pennsylvania to put this guy as the vice president is a slam dunk without question,” said Democratic City Committee Chairman Bob Brady. “We can be really proud.”

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