These tools can help new and expecting Pa. parents find child care that meets their needs

This story first appeared in How We Care, a weekly newsletter by Spotlight PA featuring original reporting and perspectives on how we care for one another at all stages of life. Sign up for free here .

In early 2016, Jessica Stamper started searching for child care around the end of her first trimester. The Pittsburgh resident had heard from friends that finding safe, quality care for her first baby would not be easy.

Some programs Stamper considered had high fees to just reserve a spot on their waitlists. And overall, she said, she struggled to find an affordable place that she liked and was near her home.

“There were certainly ones that we probably could have gotten into right away, but I wasn’t comfortable, or I felt their programming wasn’t what I was looking for,” said Stamper of her options.

Child care comes in many forms, and families can struggle to find the right fit for their needs and means. Location, cost, curriculum, operating hours, and quality are just a few of the factors parents must weigh, often while juggling jobs or caretaking.

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