A passion for history in wonderous Bucks County

I started writing local history columns 11 years ago. Challenged by my editor to submit one new subject every week sent me scurrying. Where would I get ideas? It’s then I stumbled upon “Place Names in Bucks County Pennsylvania” written in 1942 by George MacReynolds. It chronicles hundreds of interesting sites and provides capsule histories. Since then, I’ve climbed mountains, followed footpaths, crossed lakes and rivers in kayaks, and travelled long distances by bicycle and car to visit the county’s historic and geologic wonders. Occasionally my grandchildren, in-laws and friends tag along to experience first-hand Bucks’ illustrious past.

Our adventures led several times to Bowman’s Hill near the Solebury-Upper Makefield border and one of the most remarkable stories mentioned in MacReynolds’ book. It’s about a copper mine founded about 500 years ago by — drumroll, please — British knights!…

Story continues