More than just gas stations, travel centers now feature fresh cooked meals

With traffic between Canyon and Amarillo soaring on Interstate 27, and I-40 as well traveled as ever, new travel centers are springing up like tumbleweeds. The new breed of travel centers differs from the well-known mom and pop stations, or even the ever-famous Love’s Stations, one of which lies on Hollywood Road and still serves a lot of customers. The main difference seems to be the advent of small restaurants serving fresh cooked specials such as chicken, burritos and tacos and hamburgers, among other items.

Their specialized kitchens have their own specialties and aren’t just warmed up frozen sandwiches of the past. Of course, with the lingering promise of Buc-ees coming to town, competition is sure to grow.

Coming soon: Buc-ee’s off I-40 & Airport Road

The much-awaited grandaddy of all travel centers, Buc-ees, is on schedule to be opening in February 2025 after some delays. The 74,000-square-foot travel stop will bring 200 jobs to the area and is well known for its pay scale and benefits. Job postings are beginning to be posted for managerial positions starting at $125,000 for the merchandising manager salary.

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