Texas teen strangled own mom, left trail of her blood and teeth in house before stuffing body in car trunk

A Texas teenager strangled and beat his mom to death, left a trail of her teeth and blood through the family home before stuffing her body in the trunk of a car and taking cops on a 110mph chase. Twisted killer Tyler Roenz has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for the horrific 2022 slaughter of his mother Michelle.

The 19-year-old pleaded guilty to the heartless attack as well as tampering with evidence and was jailed on Friday. The investigation into Roenz began on October 13 when the then-17-year-old and his 49-year-old mother were both reported missing by the teenager’s father.

The report was filed after the father came home and found someone’s tooth in the family’s garage, as well as a trail of blood leading to the master bedroom – where there was a large pool of blood along with an additional four teeth. The husband also reported that his wife’s black Mazda was missing. Based on license-plate readers and a series of credit card purchases at gas stations in Michelle Roenz’s name, authorities tracked Tyler Roenz as he drove through Oklahoma and Kansas until the black Mazda was eventually spotted in Nebraska.

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