Andy Chase: The beloved Amarillo troubadour brings tunes every Tuesday to 575 Pizzeria. (6:30 p.m. Tuesday; 2803 Civic Circle; 806-322-5575)
“Marked Men: Rule + Shaw”: Star-crossed lovers hit the road in a pair of special screenings. (7 p.m. Tuesday; continues Wednesday; Cinemark Hollywood 16, 9100 Canyon Drive)
Rien Nash: Catch the Amarillo singer offering dinner music at Big Jim’s Pizza Co. (7 p.m. Tuesday; 3801 Olsen Blvd., Unit 9; 806-352-5050)
The Solano Project: The Amarillo rock band offers midweek fun every Wednesday at Smokey Joe’s. (6 p.m. Wednesday; 2903 S.W. Sixth Ave.; 806-331-6698)…