Woman was entrusted by her famiIy member to watch her children only to put Iotion on the youngest child when left alone before holding the girl undrwater until she died in a bid to baptlze her; charged

Texas – An Indiana woman was taken into custody and charged with capitaI murder in connection with the death of her family member’s child. The incident occurred while the woman, later identified as 39-year-old Nakia, was watching her family member’s children at the Texas residence. According to authorities in Texas, the woman was visiting her family member, the mother of the children when the capital murder happened.

Authorities were able to contact the children’s mother, who had returned to Indiana and asked the 39-year-old reIative to watch her children. The mother said her children told her that the woman had been baptizing the children in the bathtub, holding them underwater until they struggled to breathe.

According to court documents, the woman was entrusted with the care of her family member’s children while their mother was in Indiana. During the investigation process, authorities in Texas discovered that the 39-year-old woman allegedly attempted to baptize the children in the bathtub. During this process, the 4-year-old girl was submerged underwater and subsequently drowned…

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