Here Comes Love: An Interview with Bonnie Raitt —Live in Amarillo This Tuesday Night

From as far back as I can remember, I’ve had a red-headed angel that would manifest in my periphery, fading in and out of my head like a car radio tuner on the rural backroads of the High Plains. When I’d hear the bleat of her bent strings or the raspy slide of a bottle up the neck of her seasoned guitar, I’d know I was in the presence of the music that made me think of my mom, made me think of home.

I’m pretty sure it all started when I saw her on The Midnight Special in 1977, but it definitely continued through the speakers of Francie’s twinkling taupe Pacer on rides to the community pool and the laundromat. But it was much later, as an adult, that I found her early albums and spent time with 70s feelies like “Thank You” and her classic blues covers like Sippie Wallace’s “You Got to Know How” – both so different but equally authentic as they pass through her. And that’s when I truly found a home in Bonnie Raitt’s music.

Maybe it’s because I’m a Gemini, but I find so much comfort in her contrast: the timeless crystal of the vocals, whipped and drizzled over the gritty groove of her masterful, snaking guitar. In a serious highlight of my 49 years, I had the honor and privilege of speaking with her in advance of her Amarillo show on Tuesday, March 11th. Hear the full interview on the link at the top of this page.

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