Xcel Energy restores power for nearly all customers, another power outage possible Tuesday

AMARILLO, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) — Xcel Energy announced that it has restored power for nearly all 68,000 customers impacted by recent windstorm and notifies customers of the potential for another Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) on Tuesday.

“We sincerely thank our customers for their patience. Public safety is our top priority, and public safety power shutoffs are truly a last resort, used only when absolutely necessary,” said Adrian Rodriguez, president, Xcel Energy – Texas, New Mexico. “Mitigating wildfire risk is a community effort, and we appreciate your support as we work together to keep our communities safe.”

Outages impact 11k people in Texas Panhandle, New Mexico

According to Xcel, the recent storm damaged power infrastructure significantly, leading crews to replace nearly 20,000 feet of wire, 140 power poles, about 340 pole cross arms and nearly 50 transformers since Friday.

Officials detailed that weather conditions continue to display dry weather patterns which creates the possibility for another PSPS event in parts of Southeastern New Mexico and the South Plains region of Texas on Tuesday, March 18…

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