Dasher Diary: Latest Strange Delivery in Amarillo, Texas

The thing I love about delivering food in Amarillo, besides the extra money, is the stories I end up having. There is always something weird or fun that happens. I meet some interesting people too.

When I talk to people about my going out and delivering, I always tell them why I do it. I always say I like the extra money, but really it also gives me some great radio stories. There is never a dull day. Whether there is an issue with picking up something at a restaurant, there may be a long wait, or items having to be cancelled.

The majority of my stories come once I leave the restaurant. The stories I have about weird drop off places. Locations I can’t find are story-worthy too. There are animals that I encounter, people coming to the door in just a towel, yep, that happened. Even the hoops I have to jump through to find the door. Oh, the stories stack up…

Story continues