New twist on popular mail scam hitting Southern California

A popular post on Reddit titled, “Mysterious necklaces being shipped,” is getting a lot of traction.

In the post, user /u/ParticularTailor7310 from Orange County, California, asks for advice, saying, “My husband has received 4 necklaces in the mail. All super cheap crap with no purchase invoice or anything like that. These 3 came within the last 2 days, the first one was 2 weeks ago. 4 times seems deliberate. Any thoughts?”

The user adds, “All USPS tracking shows the packages shipped out of Whittier. We are in South County.”

Other posters in the Orange County subreddit say they have also received unwanted items.

The poster said they didn’t order any of the necklaces, and none of their accounts had been charged.

A lot of commenters responded saying they’ve also gotten packages they didn’t order. One commenter said, “I got two cheap AirPods knockoffs. They were like $7. Called Amazon and they took note and just told me to keep them.”

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