Attacked In Prison, She Shares Her Story and Gives Tips to Stay Safe.

Orange County, California – Dr. Leslie Dobson’s Story unveils insights and tips to Stay Safe in Challenging Environments. In an unwavering pursuit to comprehend the minds of psychopaths, sociopaths, and serial criminals within California’s correctional facilities, seasoned clinical psychologist Dr. Leslie Dobson has emerged as a beacon of safety expertise. Unfortunately, her dedication to understanding criminal behavior led to firsthand encounters with violence, as she was attacked by an inmate during an assessment at a state-locked psychiatric hospital. In response to this adversity, Dr. Dobson courageously shares her experiences, offering invaluable tips on ensuring safety when dealing with individuals displaying psychopathic, sociopathic, or serial criminal tendencies. Recognizing fear radar signs becomes crucial in navigating such situations.

The assaults Dr. Dobson endured served as a pivotal moment, prompting a shift towards trauma recovery, particularly for law enforcement officers and their families. Driven by a heightened understanding of trauma, she now provides therapeutic support to those affected, encapsulated in her latest work, “Stay Safe Around Criminals, Attacked While Working in Prisons.”

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