Dog survives vicious mountain lion attack: video

They fought like big cats and dogs.

Shocking video shows a pet dog named Holly Jolly getting attacked by a mountain lion in his California yard — then fighting back to somehow live another day.

The 3-year-old schnauzer is seen on Ring camera footage casually stepping out for a bathroom break in La Verne around 9 p.m. Saturday when the cougar suddenly appears.

Holly Jolly stands alert as the snarling predator approaches — suddenly trying to dart off just for the wild animal to pounce and pin the pooch with its jaws.

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“We heard a yelping and my husband said, ‘Is that Holly?’” one of the owners, only identified as Nicole, told KTLA .

“I said, ‘No, I think that’s the television,’ and he said, ‘No, I think that’s Holly.’”

After realizing the horrifying howling and crying noises were coming from their backyard, Nicole and her husband, Steve, began to scream to try to scare the mountain lion away from their 93-pound pet pooch.

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