Samurai-wielding woman arrested for ‘stabbing wife to death and slashing elderly mother’ in Los Angeles

A woman in LA has been arrested by police after allegedly stabbing her wife to death using a samurai sword . The incident happened on Thursday, July 18, at the 300 block of S. Huntington Ave, San Dimas.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said in a press release that officers found a woman walking along the street before she dropped the weapon when she was approached by an officer.

Weichien Huang and her wife, Chen Chen Fei got into a fight at their home before Huang stabbed Fei with the sword, officials said. Fei’s mother was also attacked but remains in a stable condition, authorities said.

Huang was arrested on suspicion of murder. The suspect was “suffering numerous cuts and lacerations on her body”, said Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Lt. Daniel Vizcarra during a press conference.

She then led officers to a residence where another female was found. The victim in the residence was later pronounced dead.

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