Inside SoCal Stunt School (9/29)

Inside SoCal | Stunt School (9/29) 05:00


In the world of performance arts, Tim Storms has done more than most – martial arts, stunt work, circus performance and acting. Now, he’s harnessed all of this knowledge into the form of a business – educating and training people in stunt work at Action Planet LA . Actors looking to learn the business of stunt work or simply hone their skills are welcome, as are those who only want to try for fun. In fact, there is a “Hollywood Action Experience” you can purchase to learn basic fight choreography so you can live out your dream as a superhero – with costumes to boot. Professional trainers ensure your safety, and fun. To learn more about the classes and offerings, visit


When Kevin Scott Cannon went to a Renaissance Fair on a whim and found himself in a (fake) sword fight, he was hooked. The art of performance became his passion and he attended circus school and a masters program in Italy. Now, he owns Dragonfly Studios which offers the chance for others to fall in love with performance – from aerial circus to dance, even wire work thanks to his relationship with Action Planet LA. At these studios, your willingness to explore something new might lead you to find a brand-new passion, just as Kevin did over a decade ago. Learn more at .

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