An expletive- and slur-laden video was posted on TikTok. Did it help crack a murder case?

A video laden with expletives and racial slurs that was filmed outside an Orange County restaurant helped apprehend two people suspected in the killing of a Cerritos man, authorities said this week.

The video, which has since been taken down, was originally uploaded to TikTok by a user going by “Leti T.” The video has since been posted to other accounts on the platform and shows “Leti T” and a companion being called racial slurs by a man and a woman outside a Panera Bread in Cypress.

“I never wanted to use it as content to begin with (that’s certainly not my theme), but let me tell you how happy I am that because of that video, justice is being served,” “Leti T” wrote in the caption of another TikTok video uploaded Thursday…

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