Oversight? Assembly Election Office drags feet adding Mayor Bronson to official list of candidates

Two days after Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson officially filed with the Municipal Clerk’s Office, his name still does not appear on the website for the official list of candidates, a website managed by the Clerk, who runs Anchorage Elections.

Others who filed for the March-April ballot for various seats, however, are listed on the website.

For instance, Jennifer Wingard filed for Girdwood Valley Service Area – Seat A on Jan. 24. She appears on the candidate list. Joseph Connolly filed for Glen Alps Service Area – Seat E on Jan. 23, and his name appears on the list.

Frank Angela filed for School Board – Seat F on Jan. 23. He’s listed. So is Patrice Higgins, who filed for a road service board on Jan. 24, and Kristy Hoffman, who also filed on Jan. 24 for a road service seat.

In fact, none of the other candidates who have filed seem to have been lost in the shuffle at the Municipal Clerk’s Office; Must Read Alaska checks the filings daily and has spotted no other irregularities.


In Anchorage, the City Clerk reports to the Assembly, and the Assembly is headed by Chairman Chris Constant, who is a foe of Bronson. That may be the reason that Municipal Clerk Jamie Heinz is taking the slow lane on Bronson — Constant and several other members of the Democrat-majority Assembly have backed former Assemblywoman Suzanne LaFrance. LaFrance filed for office on Jan. 19 and her name appeared within a few hours on the list the clerk posts for the public on the Election website.

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