Discover the 5 Most Educated Places in Alaska

Though Alaska has one of the lowest populations in the entire United States, it has a superior education system. Of all of the residents in this state, over 90,000 adults hold a bachelor’s degree or higher, which is 93.1%. Only six states have a higher percentage of their population who hold at least a bachelor’s degree. In Alaska, many jobs rely on health care, forestry, construction, and other skills that require education before beginning them. Having a degree sets the tone for someone’s entire future, but which places in Alaska have the most educated residents?

Most Educated Places In Alaska

Denali Borough

With 1,619 residents, the Denali Borough ranks as the most educated place in Alaska. With Healy as the most populated community, the area was an unorganized borough until December 1990. The borough boasts 71% employment, and it is spread across 12,641 square miles of land. According to , approximately 41% of the adult population holds at least a bachelor’s degree.

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