Progressive independent drops out of Alaska state House race, leaving Democrat uncontested

Nick Moe, an independent progressive candidate for Alaska House District 16, is seen in an undated photo published by the Alaska Division of Elections. (Screenshot)

Nick Moe, a nonpartisan progressive running for House District 16 in West Anchorage, is ending his campaign, he announced Monday.

Why are some Republican candidates quitting Alaska’s general election? Strategy. “There’s a path to winning, but it’s narrow,” he said after preliminary primary election results showed him significantly trailing Democratic candidate Carolyn Hall.

“I mean, we’re gonna probably raise another 70 grand in this race fighting against each other. So I think trying to use those resources and energy and time to elect other good people is a smart decision,” he said.

Moe’s decision leaves Hall unopposed for the seat, and both candidates said that the decision will leave more money and volunteer time available for competitive races elsewhere.

“There’s a limited universe of people who volunteer on races, and there’s a limited universe of donations. So anytime you’re putting money toward a race that really isn’t going to change the makeup of the Legislature, it impacts all those other races,” said Amber Lee, a consultant who has been advising Hall.

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