Alaska officials seek emergency rule to continue bear-killing program, despite court ruling

A subadult brown bear stands on June 8, 2018, on the shore of Naknek Lake in Katmai National Park and Preserve. A state program that is killing bears in an effort to boost an ailing caribou herd was found last week to be unconstitutional, but the Department of Fish and Game is now seeking emergency authority to continue the program. Opponents say the predator-control program will not help the caribou but could put Katmai bears at risk. (Photo by Russ Taylor/National Park Service)

Alaska officials are seeking emergency authorization to keep killing bears and wolves in a region in the western part of the state even though a judge ruled a week ago that the state predator control program there was unconstitutional .

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game on Friday petitioned the state Board of Game for an emergency regulation allowing the “intensive management” program to continue for a third year in the range of the ailing Mulchatna Caribou Herd…

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