Imbolc is Feb. 1 in 2024: Meaning behind Gaelic festival, find Michigan celebrations

New beginnings and the approach of spring feature in Imbolc, a traditional Gaelic festival.

Marking the halfway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox, the annual celebration falls on Feb. 1. Here’s a look at Imbolc and how communities in Michigan and around the world celebrate this festival.

Celtic culture

Meaning in the belly, Imbolc symbolizes the growth of new life and the beginning of spring.

The festival has historically been celebrated in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man, now spreading to communities abroad. Evidence of the festival dates to ancient times, with celebrations continuously adapting over the centuries.

The festival became a public holiday in Ireland in 2023, promoting celebrations throughout the country.

Rooted in Celtic cultural traditions and with a Gaelic-language name, Imbolc represents a key festival for pagan communities. The date also marks an Irish Christian festival, which we’ll explore more below.


While celebration rituals have adapted over the centuries, the holiday maintains key traditions among Celtic Christian and pagan communities.

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