88-year-old woman’s home floods with sewage water in Lincoln Park

An 88-year-old woman woke up to a flooded basement full of sewage water Friday morning in Lincoln Park.

Michael Kozuh lives just down the street on New York Avenue from his mother Shirley Kozuh. He raced over early Friday morning when he learned his mother’s basement was full of sewage water.

“Usually when it flooded in the past, you get a lot of the street water. This was all sewage water from the whole neighborhood, so it wasn’t pleasant,” he said.

https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?url=1o7EYa_0qzYZGZx00 Michael Kozuh
Sewage water covering Shirley Kozuh’s home in Lincoln Park

Kozuh says over the last 10 years, his mother’s home has flooded three times but never to this extent. He ran over with a pump to try to get rid of some of the sewage water, but it was coming up faster than he could pump it out.

Most of the items in the completely furnished basement had to be thrown out.

The family ripped the carpet up once the basement was clear of water, but the damage has been done.

Kozuh says the entire neighborhood complained of flooded basements. Now questions remain as to how the streets remained clear of water but multiple homes were flooded.

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