Ypsilanti mayor addresses rumors of changes to police department

David Fair: This is 89 one WEMU, and I’m David Fair. The WEMU newsroom today picked up on some community chatter that indicated there may be changes coming to the Ypsilanti Police Department. Now, the Ypsilanti police have been short staffed for a long while. Turnover has been high and morale rather low. In the past few months, the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department has stepped in and taken over investigations into major crimes. Eastern Michigan University public safety officers have been assisting Ypsilanti Police with some calls. The word we got earlier today is that, later this month, Ypsilanti police would stop patrolling between two in the morning and six in the morning. And then, Michigan State Police would respond to emergencies during those hours. So, we did our job and started reaching out to find out what’s happening. And we’re about to learn together. Joining us on the WEMU news line is Ypsilanti Mayor Nicole Brown. And thank you for making time today. I appreciate it.

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