‘It really is all about community’: 2024 Plymouth Ice Festival kicks off

Friday and this weekend, people are headed to the Plymouth Ice Festival. Talented artists created unique sculptures out of blocks of ice for the annual event.

It’s all on display in Kellogg Park and along the streets downtown.

Plymouth-area residents Roger and Mickey Collins observed a team of sculptors turning a block of ice into a work of art. They said attending the festival is an annual tradition, and they’re passing it on.

“We thought we’d bring our grandson down today to see the ice sculptures, and he was interested in all the tools that were using,” Mickey Collins explained.

“He’s a little tool man. He’s loves his tools,” Roger Collins said. “Chainsaws, sanders.”

The Collins said it’s their grandson Noah’s first ice festival, and he’s excited to watch live ice carvings by sculptors like Ken Diederich and his crew.

Diederich, with Cleveland-based Elegant Ice, said he expects lots more curious on-lookers like Noah to gather around because 36 degrees is considered warm in his profession.

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