Volunteers accidentally toss out memorial items at local cemetery after mistake

Frustrated residents of Romulus and the surrounding area say they were given no notice to clean up wreaths and grave blankets before they were tossed away at Romulus Memorial Cemetery.

The regularly scheduled date to toss those items is March 15. They were tossed out last week.

Romulus native Shannon Coaltrain says if there was a notice to pick up the memorial items, she would’ve done so.

“It’s heartbreaking. It really is because I’m still grieving losing my brother. I lost him very unexpectedly and those things were put out there specifically for him,” Coaltrain said.

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Grave blankets were tossed away over a month before the clean up deadline at Romulus Memorial Cemetary

Shannon lost her brother, Billy Coaltrain, last November. She’s laid out a memorial for him where his ashes now lie next to her grandparent’s headstone at Romulus Memorial Cemetery.

On Wednesday, she noticed her wreath was gone and tossed to the side of the cemetery.

“To see these things just tossed aside, it makes me feel like they don’t matter. But they do. They matter to me,” Shannon Coaltrain said.

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