Marvelous Marvin’s difficult move might spell trouble for its future

Despite all the coin-operated fortune tellers at Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum , unanswered questions remain.

We know that on Monday, the Farmington Hills City Council high-fived developers who plan to bulldoze the northern chunk of the Hunter’s Square shopping center to make room for a Meijer grocery store. We know that the owner of the 32-year-old collection of vintage and modern arcade games and other curiosities has said he’ll try to find a new place for them.

What no one knows is where, and what nobody can even imagine is how to make that happen — which means it might not.

“I don’t know what the odds are” that the plug will be pulled, said general manager Andrew Rosenfeld. “But it’s possible.”

Moving stinks, but what if you had all this stuff?

He and owner Jeremy Yagoda and the children of all ages who’ve been packing the place since the possibility of closing arose in November would much prefer to keep the lights flashing, and the likes of Zelda the Mysterious, Louie the Love Shrink, Ask the Brain and the old Mandarin in the Happy Good Fortune machine dispensing their wisdom at 50 cents per pearl.

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