Ingham County Sheriff and Stockbridge Police Department hold shooter scenario

  • Local officials say these types of training needs to happen to help be prepared in case of a real scenario.
  • One student said how it’s sad this is something we have to do and will continue to do.
  • Video shows a fake scenario executed by Ingham County Sheriff’s office and Stockbridge Police Department at Stockbridge High School.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

Keeping your kids safe at school. School officials in Stockbridge and law enforcement are teaming up for active violence training.

“There are bad people in the world that want to do bad things to people and we don’t know why that is,” said Josh Welling.

Friday morning,

“It was an active violence, active shooter scenario at Stockbridge schools,” said Ingham County Sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth.

Ingham County Sheriff’s Office and Stockbridge Police Department worked together to create a mock training scenario of a school shooting. Unfortunately, this is something law enforcement needs to prepare for and for one student participant, he’s feeling waves of emotion.

Story continues