After her lunch was taken as a kid, Brianna Kennedy developed a hunger for helping others

Growing up, the items inside Brianna Kennedy’s pink lunch box had all the makings of a nutritious meal.

What she didn’t know, at the time, is that those lunches also would provide a very valuable lesson that would shape the rest of her life.

You see, for a period of time, those tasty peanut butter or ham sandwiches, along with the crackers and cheese and the Jell-O, weren’t reaching Kennedy’s stomach.

Kennedy was in kindergarten. And she was experiencing her first encounter with a bully. Her tormentor would snatch the lunch box and scarf down whatever was in it, daily.

Kennedy’s experience at the now-closed Southfield public school took place during the early 2000s. However, the lesson Kennedy learned helps to explain why she is literally wise beyond her years today. And she’s delighted to share her wisdom and energy in a variety of ways that enrich multiple communities, including serving as a mentor for the nonprofit, Detroit-based W.I.S.E. (Women Inspiring Supporting and Empowering) Mentoring Program.

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