In the bustling city of Fort Worth, Texas, a new chapter unfolds in the relentless battle against the deadly tide of fentanyl, a crisis that has shaken the community to its core. The Fort Worth Police Department, empowered by recent legislation, is now taking a bold stance, vowing to aggressively pursue arrests in cases of fentanyl-related fatalities.
2023 was a year marked by a disturbing trend in Fort Worth – an average of three lives lost each week to fentanyl poisoning, as reported by Sgt. Benjamin Scott Banes. This alarming statistic has propelled the Fort Worth Police Department into action, determined to stem the tide of this growing epidemic.
In a significant move, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed four key pieces of legislation in June, including the pivotal House Bill 6, targeting the fentanyl crisis head-on. This law marks a turning point, creating a specific criminal offense for murder in cases where fentanyl supply results in death and intensifying penalties for its manufacture and delivery.