Texas man charged with threatening federal agent: ‘Guns will come out’

A Texas man was charged with making threats to an FBI agent, according to information provided by the Justice Department on Thursday.

Timothy Muller, 43, of Fort Worth, is alleged to have called an FBI Special Agent and left a threatening voicemail, followed up by subsequent text messages threatening the agent and his family, officials said in a release.

“You can run, but you can’t [expletive] hide,” he allegedly said in a June 11 voicemail. “So here’s how its gonna go: [T’s] gonna win the re-election and then we’re gonna [expletive] go through the FBI and just start throwing you…into jail. OR, you can steal another election and then guns will come out, and we’ll hunt you…down and slaughter you like the traitorous dogs you are in your own [expletive] homes.”

The T refers to former President Donald Trump, according to a source familiar with the case.

“The last thing you’ll ever hear are the horrified shrieks or your widow and orphans,” Muller allegedly said, according to the complaint.

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