Illegal Immigrant Kills 2 Chick-fil-A Employees in North Texas

Before things could settle down over the Houston killing of a 12-year-old by a migrant, two other killings happened in North Texas.

On Wednesday, June 26, a migrant who entered the country illegally was arrested for killing two employees at an Irving Chick-fil-A. Oved Bernardo Mendoza Argueta was identified as the shooter by his wife who witnessed the shooting and is an employee of the restaurant.

Irving police responded to the shooting at the 5300 block of North MacArthur Boulevard.

The double homicide comes days after the tragic killing of Jocelyn Nungary who was strangled by two illegal immigrants in Houston recently according to The NY Post.

Governor Greg Abbott has yet to respond to the latest migrant killing in north Texas.

You can hear more about the Chick-fil-A killing in this video:

Before the presidential debate on Thursday, Governor Abbott slammed the Biden administration and said on Fox & Friends according to a press release:

“The murder of Jocelyn was a direct result of Biden’s open border policies. There were multiple opportunities to stop these criminals: one was to have an effective border security plan that would deny illegal entry. Remember, Border Patrol apprehended both of these murderers and then let them go. At the time the murders took place, one of them had an ankle bracelet on them. They were supposed to be monitored, and [the Biden Administration] failed every step of the way. Jocelyn would be alive today had [President] Biden implemented a secure border plan.”

Story continues