Texas judge rejects Paxton attempt to block State Fair gun ban

An Texas judge has slapped down an attempt by state Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) to force the state fair to allow guns.

Paxton’s office sued in August to block a change in state fair policy to ban private firearms — a change Dallas County District Judge Emily Tobolowsky upheld Thursday.

Concealed handguns had been permitted at the fair, which often sees more than 100,000 people per day — until last season, when a 22-year old man opened fire in a crowded food court , injuring several people.

In suspect Cameron Turner’s account of events, the shooting was the sort of incident of self-defense that advocates of Texas’s broad gun laws have often pointed to: He told officers that he and his family were approached by several large men, and he went into “defensive” mode to protect them.

Later police investigations cast doubt on this story — Turner was, for one thing, alone when the shooting started — and last month, the state fair banned firearms unless carried by an active- or off-duty police officer.

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