Here’s how long a former Culpeper sheriff will spend in jail after being convicted of bribery

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — The former sheriff of Culpeper County, Virginia will spend 10 years behind bars in federal prison on bribery charges. The sentence was handed down by the Department of Justice on Friday.

In December 2024, a jury convicted Scott Howard Jenkins, 53, of one count of conspiracy, four counts of honest services fraud and seven counts of bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds. Jenkins accepted over $75,000 in bribes in exchange for appointing numerous Northern Virginia businessmen as auxiliary deputy sheriffs within his department.

“Scott Jenkins violated his oath of office and the faith the citizens of Culpeper County placed in him when he engaged in a cash-for-badges scheme,” Acting United States Attorney Zachary T. Lee said today. “We hold our elected law enforcement officials to a higher standard of conduct and this case proves that when those officials use their authority for unjust personal enrichment, the Department of Justice will hold them accountable. I am grateful to the FBI for their tireless work on this investigation.”…

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